Postoperative Tips to Speed Your Recovery 

While numerous factors affect the length of your recovery, here are a few things you can do to speed up the process.

Follow Postoperative Medical Advice

Adhere to your postoperative treatment plan regarding weight-bearing, physical therapy, medications, resuming activity, and follow-up visits as closely as possible.

Stay Active

Get up and start moving around (carefully and on crutches) within a couple of days of surgery. Engage in recommended exercises and activities to improve strength and flexibility.

Eat a Healthy Diet 

Ensure you have a balanced diet that provides adequate protein, vitamins, and minerals. Proper nutrition is essential to support the healing process.

Rest and Recuperate 

Give your body plenty of time to rest and recover. Prioritize getting sufficient sleep to promote optimal healing.

Stay Hydrated

Drink around eight glasses of water each day during your recovery. Proper hydration aids in the healing process and reduces the risk of complications. 

Elevate Your Foot 

Keep your foot elevated as much as possible for the first one to two weeks after surgery to help reduce swelling and improve blood flow.

Manage Pain and Swelling

Take prescribed and over-the-counter pain medications as directed and use ice packs and compression stockings, as needed, to manage postoperative swelling.

Keep Your Incision Clean and Dry

Follow instructions for cleaning and dressing the incision and keep the area dry. Proper postoperative wound care can help prevent infection and promote healthy healing.

Nicholas Fifelski, DPM
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Experienced Annapolis podiatrist specializing in all sports injuries, wound care, and ankle fracture surgery.
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